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School of Forestry

Date:2021-06-08    Author:     Source:    Click:

Majors for Bachelor’s Degree:

Forestry Science


Faculties :

There are 54 teaching staff members in the school, including three professors, 8 associate professors, among whom five teachers have doctorate degrees, and 41 have masters’ degrees. 24 teachers are “Double-senior-typed lecturers”, including senior engineers, engineers, senior technicians, and technicians.

The lecturers have published 390 academic articles in the domestic and international journals, undertaking more than 18 scientific and research projects at municipal level and provincial level . Six academic works and 9 text books has been published.

Experimental Labs and Bases:

The school owns well-established bases for teaching, researching and experimenting.There are Henan research center for characteristic forestry germchit project and Xinyang key laboratory for breeding germchit and flowers; in campus there are 19 experimental labs, such as the lab of plants seed-hereditary and breeding, etc., as well as twelve stable off-campus experimental labs off-campus, namely the southern-gulf experimental forestry of Xinyang, the Jigong mountain national nature reserve at xinyang, etc..


Every year, almost 1/3 undergraduates enter other agriculture and forestry universities for master’s degrees. The employment rate has been up to 95% for several consecutive years.